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  Nr. 4217 de miercuri, 23 aprilie 2008 
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LATEST - In Brief
Pay for UDMR
Since his mandate is approaching the end, the Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu paid the UDMR (Democrat Union of Magyars in Romania) for their support: 107,140 square meters on the Unirii Avenue, Bucharest, for 49 years. The current price of 1 square meter in the area is 3,500 Euro. The TriGranit Magyar developer in which the controversial businessman Arpad Paszkany is involved is going to build the Esplanade, a real estate project of 1 billion Euro.
The Tariceanu Cabinet was in such a hurry that they decided to pass an emergency ordinance almost secretly so that the land would reach the Hungarian company. Romania's development minister Laszlo Borbely, a representative of the UDMR, is to sign this contract between the state of Romania and the TriGranit.
So businessman Arpad Paszkany has managed to get favours from two officials: land from PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu and protection from the President of Romania Traian Basescu. The latter gave the businessman as an example of civicism in the meeting on conclusions of the 2007 activity of the Public ministry.
From the government the huge real estate project is to be transfered to the Bucharest City Hall, headed by Adriean Videanu, a true supporter of this investment. The esplanade is to strech on 800,000 square meters meant for malls, business centers, offices, conference rooms, hotels and suspended parks. And the project in the center of Bucharest will take 10 years. (...) (C.P., M.G.)
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