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  Nr. 4214 de sambata, 19 aprilie 2008 
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LATEST - In Brief
Ukraine's Foreign Affairs Ministry asks Romanian ambassdor for explanations
The President of Romania Traian Basescu has recently made some statements on territories in southern Ukraine, which has inflamed spirits in the latter country. The Ukrainian Foreign Affairs Ministry has summoned the Romanian ambassador for explanations on "the autehticity of the statements published by the press". The Foreign Ministry also wants to learn Romania's official view on it.
In last Thursdy's edition ZIUA published a statement by the Romanian President, claiming that "under certain circumstances, southern Ukraine should be part of the Moldovan Republic".
According to Vasili Kirilici, a spokesman for the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, the Ukrainian ambassador to Bucharest is to learn the Romanian Foreign Ministry's view on President Basescu's comment. The announcement was present in the Ukrainian TV news yesterday at noon, Rompres reports.
It is to be reminded that while attending a debate organized by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, the Romanian President commented as follows: "In Ukraine, there are enough, not officials, who say there is a Transdniestria to go to Ukraine, but they forget to say that southern Ukraine is to go to the Moldovan Republic." He reminded about the way Transdniestria had got to be part of the Moldovan Republic, thus expressing an idea such as the exchange of territories. (A.E.)
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