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  Nr. 4214 de sambata, 19 aprilie 2008 
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UDMR under assail
The political parties in Romania have elaborated an alliance strategy to counter the potential of the UDMR (Democrat Union of Magyars in Romania) and the PCM (Civic Magyar Party) in those regions where Magyar inhabitants prevail.
Even if the PSD (Social-Democrat Party), the PD-L (Democrat-Liberal Party) and the PNL (National Liberal Party) are at war with each other, their local representatives in Covasna, Mures and Satu Mare proceeded to protocols on ethnic criteria. Last Thursday after talks taking 7 hours, the Covasna branches of the PSD, the PD-L, the PNL, the PC (conservative Party), the UDMR and the PNG (New Generation Party) signed the Alliance of Romanians in order to draw a common list of candidates for the district councils to emerge fter the local elections. (...) (R.P.)
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