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  Nr. 4208 de sambata, 12 aprilie 2008 
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Nokia project faces difficulties
The Finish producer of Nokia mobile phones may lose the fiscal facilities for the Tetarom III Industrial Park, since company officials are considering the idea to make more investments in the factory established in Jucu, a village in the Romanian district of Cluj.
Tetarom manager Viorel Gavrea comments: "In such a case, the industrial park rules are no longer applied and Nokia, together with all the others involed, is to obey the European Commission's rules. And we must start talks with the European Commission, who is to say if Nokia has got the right to facilities due to the industrial park title. The investment will be much greater than officially announced by contract, that is 60 million Euro, and then we must go to the European Commission." He adds the superior limit for an investor to get facilities was 50 million Euro in eligible expenses.
The Tetarom manager explains: "I can't say how much it will be for the Jucu factory. But it is sure to be more than 50 million Euro in eligible expenses and there are different rules. If the European Commission decides so, Nokia will no longer be a beneficiary of industrial park facilities and it will have to pay for all the fees. It may lose the two free taxes offered on the locations and the buildings, which is rather much." (...) (F.B.)
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