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  Nr. 4207 de vineri, 11 aprilie 2008 
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LATEST - In Brief
Horse thieves
11 Romanian deputies are working on a legislative initiative to revive the monkey business with pedigree horses practiced until 2002. The group of initiators, headed by Kelemen Attila and Szekely Levente, both of them members of the Democrat Union of Magyars in Romania, intends to take the "Pedigree Horses" company from the Romsilva (Romanian Forest Authority) and establish a national company such as "The State Herds".
The organization existed till 2002 and it was changed after a scandal bursting out because of illegal horse sales, many of them involving pedigree horses.
The intentions of the 11 deputies are unmasked by this very project, which specifies the company's income would effect from horse sale. As for the Romsilva, it is opposing the project.
Moreover, the future company would also own large lands on which the present herds are settled. After privatization, the lands may even turn into very profitable real estate projects. (...) (M.T.)
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