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  Nr. 4197 de luni, 31 martie 2008 
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Mona Musca's comeback makes PD-L spirits hot
Mona Musca's comeback to the political foreground is making spirits hot in the PD-L (Democrat-Liberal Party). Theodor Stolojan's group is intensely lobbying for her, whereas top leader Vasile Blaga is claiming this is out of question. He argued in a TV show: "Mona Musca is dear to me. But we can't approach the issue in a certain way when it comes to a colleague and in another way when it comes to no colleague." The general secretary of the PD-L put it straight that a comeback is impossible, adding that what the National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive had decided would stay so.
PD-L member Sorin Frunzaverde agrees with this opinion and says he will be opposing Mona Musca's comeback.
On the other side, Valeriu Stoica, part of the Stolojan group, has been releasing messages favorable to the former deputy: "We must find resources and consensus. We can't outherod herod."
As for the PD-L leader Emil Boc, he has been unbiased so far, claiming this is to be "thoroughly analyzed" by the party heads. (C.A.)
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