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  Nr. 4197 de luni, 31 martie 2008 
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LATEST - In Brief
Romanians tempted with earlier holidays
"We have been trying to open the season earlier, in April-May, and arrange charters for Tenerife, Antalya or Crete", says Cristian Irimia, a marketing manager of J'Info Tours travel agency. As for those Romanians who can afford longer holidays, the agency offers a 103-day South American adventure, for instance. (...)
As for destinations such as Mallorca, Tenerife, Barcelona, Antalya, Crete, Rhodos and Corfu, prices start from 219-398 Euro.
The representative of Malta Travel Agency comments: "Malta is another favorite destination of Romanians. Prices start from 235 Euro (tickets and 2-star accommodation), Depending on preferences, we can arrange 5-star hotel accommodation starting from 816 Euro." (...)
And the destination estimated to be the no. 1 favorite in 2008 is Portugal. Offers are attractive, but there are no charters arranged so far. Still travel agencies in Romania are doing their best to sell trips to Portugal, meaning convenient transport too. (...) (C.S.)
A r h i v a
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