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  Nr. 4196 de sambata, 29 martie 2008 
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Democrat-Liberal Vasile Blaga to run in Bucharest mayor election
Liviu Negotita has been selected to head the electoral campaign of Vasile Blaga, the PD-L (Democrat-Liberal Party) candidate to run in the Bucharest mayor election. The order came straight from Cotroceni Palace and the PD-L leader Emil Boc forwarded it, party officials claim. This way the true ruler of the party did away with Vasile Blaga's hesitation. As for Liviu Negoita, he is going to head the PD-L candidate's campaign and let Adriean Videanu and Gheorghe Flutur see to the PD-L electoral campaign.
The party's official candidate is going to work with the GMP agency belonging to Felix Tataru, a company working for the Democrats since 2000.
Vasile Blaga's candidacy was decided in the last minute because Liviu Negotita wouldn't agree to run in the election. He even told it to the President of Romania Traian Basescu. Unofficial sources say the latter tried to persuade the mayor of Bucharest district 3 into changing his mind.
On the other hand, by geeting Liviu Negotita and Adriean Videanu involved in the campaign supporting Vasile Blaga, the PD-L wants to do away with the mass media image that the three were pushing each other to run in the Bucharest mayor election. Another reason for such a choice is the fact that Vasile Blaga, a leader well known at national level, has not been involved in Bucharest affairs so far. So Romania's ex interior minister will also enjoy Liviu Negoita's popularity capital. According to domestic party polls, the latter Democrat-Liberal was rated with the greatest chance to be elected a general mayor of Bucharest. (...) (A.I.)
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