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  Nr. 4194 de joi, 27 martie 2008 
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Voronin's secret
In the Romanian Basarabia, the Communists proceeded to an experiment to wash brains and souls in order to delete the identity of Romanians for good.
A most illustrative example is Vladimir Putin himself, the President of the Moldovan Republic. Although Romanian 100%, he now hates Romania and takes the Romanian colors for "a fascist flag". Zinaida Grecianii, now a Communist PM in Chishinau, due to Vladimir Voronin's recent choice for her, is a feminine clone of the President. Although she was actually born in the Gulag, more exactly in the Siberian Tomsk, where her parents had been deported by the Soviets, she is now a top activist of the Communist Party, claiming she can speak the official languages of the Repubic, that is Russian and 'Moldovan'.
ZIUA has found out that Voronin's uncle was a fighter of the anti-communist resistance in the mountains. The Voronin family's tragedy is actually that of Romania, still mutilated by communism. (...)
A product of 'reeducation'
Vladimir Voronin comes from a purely Romanian family, known to be wealthy and much respected. His grandfather came from a numerous family: 10 children, 5 girls and five boys. He was deported by the Bolsheviks, his wealth was confiscated and his family was broken. So grandfather Isidor Sarbu, a mayor during the rule of Antonescu in Transdniestria in 1942-1944, cursed the Russian Communists and fled to Romania to become an active fighter in the mountains, more exactly in Oas.
The nephew got in the hands of the Communists who applied 'reeducation' on him, changed his family name into a Russian one, Voronin, and turned the boy into a servant resenting his own kin.
The Stockholm phenomenon is called the complex of closing terms between a hangman and his victim, catagorized as psycho in cases of hostages kidnapped by terrorists who get to feel to close to the latter that they are even ready to give up their lives to save the terrorists. (...)
Victor RONCEA 
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