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  Nr. 4193 de miercuri, 26 martie 2008 
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LATEST - In Brief
National Theatre in Bucharest to look like Barbican Hall
According to Ion Caramitru, a president of the National Theatre in Bucharest, the project to consolidate and modernize the building has now been completed. The official mentions both operations are to start next autumn and use funds from a foreign credit of 27 million Euro together with more 13 million Euro supposed to come from the state budget. (...)
The National Theatre in Bucharest is to be turned into a sort of Barbican Hall. The architect in charge of the project argues: "It will be rebuilt, but not like a theatre, but like a cultural center. There is need to attract the audience by any means (...) The area will be arranged in such a way to function like the Barbican Hall in London."
According to the project, the building is going to shelter 8 theatre halls (right now there are only 4), 5 rehearsal rooms, an outdoor amphitheatre on the roof, 3 halls for the National Dance Centre in Bucharest, just as show rooms, bookshops and coffee shops. (...) (M.S.)
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