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  Nr. 4191 de luni, 24 martie 2008 
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Mircea Geoana isn't so keen on Marian Vanghelie
Mircea Geoana, a president of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party), doesn't seem to be so keen on Marian Vanghelie any more, although he decided the latter should be the PSD candidate to run in the election of a general mayor for Bucharest. The day before yesterday the PSD boss came out to say the party leaders were still to make a final decision.
Just two days after having announced Marian Vanghelie's candidacy, last Saturday Mircea Geoana claimed the final decision hadn't been reached yet. He admitted this was up to the PSD Permanent Committee to meet today. He added: "It is very hard to have a successful campaign unless there is support from the organization. (...) I would very much like us to reach a sensible solution and get support from the organization and as many votes as possible. The entire Bucharest organization is supporting Marian Vanghelie."
When asked if fe preferred the latter or Sorin Oprescu, he answered: "It is very hard to say. I am going for agreement with the party branch. I have been through this and I know it is very hard to win unless you enjoy support from the organization. After all, it is also a matter of political usefulness to get the best score."
PSD member Victor Ponta, very fond of the idea that Sorin Oprescu should be the party's candidate, demanded Mircea Geoana to resign in case his choice proved failing. And the party boss replied, claiming Victor Ponta was proving "hasty" and he just aded: "If party leaders decide to ignore the will of the party branch, then the responsibility will be everyone's." (O.B.)
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