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  Nr. 4188 de joi, 20 martie 2008 
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World Bank estimates bankruptcy of new RENEL
The World Bank is not supporting the project to establish a new national energy company, for such an institution would jeopardize the national energy system's competitiveness and transparency, as argued by Doina Visan, the World Bank representative to Romania. The WB official also claimed that the Nuclearelectrica, the Hidroelectrica and the plant in Tarnita should continue under state control. Moreover, she advised Romania to learn a lesson from the Hungarian integrated electricity company, now dismembering because of not being benefic to the market.
The WB representative argued as follows: "Romania doesn't need such a holding in order to be important in the energy field. The government is powerful enough on the energy production market due to the Hidroelectrica and the Nuclearelectrica, two companies covering for almost 50% of the domestic energy production. Still she added the two companies should participate more actively in transactions on the markets ruled by the Bucharest stock exchange in order to attract investment funds.
It is to be reminded that Teodor Atanasiu, a president of the Authority for the State Assets Recovery, said on March 16 that the Romanian government was to reach a decision on the making of such a company within some 2-3 weeks. (...) (G.M.)
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