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  Nr. 4185 de luni, 17 martie 2008 
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Ford effect
The opening of a Ford branch in Romania is attracting more investors in the car field and two more powerful companies are getting ready for business in this country. Teodor Atanasiu, a president of the AVAS (Authority for State Assets Recovery), said it yesterday. He announced in press conference: "I want to make a point. The opening of a Ford branch in Craiova means more investors for the Romanian car industry. They are looking for production spaces and lands with access to utilities in localities with qualified labor force. I think the development of the Romanian car industry will be intensifying."
He added two more powerful car producers in the world intended to make investments in Romania, but he wouldn't tell which ones, claiming they didn't want their plans unveiled. The AVAS official just added the two companies were most likely to do this in the summer. (...) (G.M.)
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