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  Nr. 4185 de luni, 17 martie 2008 
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Adrian Nastase threatens to address ECHR against Constitutional Court
Adrian Nastase, a leader of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party), was very critical of Ioan Vida, the President of the Constitutional Court in Romania, claiming the latter is obeying orders from the President of Romania Traian Basescu, thus contributing to the elimination of his adversaries. The ex PM was much disturbed by Ioan Vida's interview for ZIUA, when he argued that there was no need for parliamentary consent to the criminal cases against Adrian Nastase, Miron Mitrea, Codrut Seres and Paul Pacuraru.
Serban Nicolae, a PSD senator, even claimed that the Constitutional Court president should resign because of what he himself had said.
Adrian Nastase's discontent
"This is an embarrassing situation. Ioan Vida is trying to change the Court's decision, although the final motivation of it has not been released." The ex PM mentioned he couldn't understand how come the Court's decision couldn't be applied retroactively. He commented as follows: "Since they wanted a clarification of a particular situation, the Constitutional Court's interpretation should be on this first of all. We put the patient on the table, do no surgery and don't give him the medicine we have discovered. We give it to the next patient only."
He opined that Ioan Vida's attitude was because of the Romanian President's pressure on him, as President Basescu wanted his adversares fixed at any costs." The PSD leader highlighted: "We have got a President who wants to change the government the way he pleases. There must be filters for protection and conditions for the start of criminal inquiry. There are no immunity elements, anyway."
The ex PM also added that, unless things improved, he would address the European Court for Human Rights to ask for justice. He pointed: "I don't think it is possible for a text of the Constitution to go for 20 million Romanians, except for 4 Romanians." (...)
Cristian ANDREI 
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