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  Nr. 4178 de sambata, 8 martie 2008 
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LATEST - In Brief
Romanians trust King Mihai
King Mihai seems to strike back in the hearts of Romanians. According to an IMAS poll accomplished last month, the King of Romania comes fourth in the list of the most trusted Romanians, due to a 22,6% score. The most trusted Romanians are: Traian Basescu (45%), Theodor Stolojan (29%) and Gigi Becali (23%).
One reason why His Majesty has reached the top is his perseverence in promoting Romania's interests, even in the difficult years spent in exile. Then Pricess Margareta together with Prince Radu took over this mission. Starting with 2002 Prince Radu has been a special representative of the Romanian government. Last Thursday the couple started an official visit to Istanbul, taking the invitation from the Romanian Cultural Institute branch there. Princess Margareta of Romania together with Prince Radu left for Istanbul last Thursday. The visit started with a meeting between the Romanian government's special representative and Murat Yalcintas, a head of the Chamber of Commerce in the capital of Turkey. The two officials tackled the consolidation of collaboration between institutions in the same field in Romania and Turkey. (...)
It is to be outlined that His Majesty enjoys more trust from Romanians than the heads of parties like the Social-Democrat Party and the Democrat-Liberal Party or the Romanian PM. (...) (A.O.)
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