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  Nr. 4166 de sambata, 23 februarie 2008 
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Ion Iliescu sets Adrian Nastase going
"Patriarch Iliescu", as some members of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) call him, settled the strain the party was seized with by proposing during yesterday's reunion of the PSD National Council that the one to lose in the competition for leadership over this structure should reach the Permanent Committee. Therefore no matter the results, Adrian Nastase will strike back and be a PSD leader again. The party president Mircea Geoana agreed to the proposal, raising no objections.
And the audience cheered Ion Iliescu's solution. Voices would whisper to each other in the room: "So look who is worhty of ruling the party!" or "Patriarch Iliescu is bringing peace".
"Why should we have elections?"
This speech took Mircea Geoana by surprise and the only thing he said was: "Then we should we have elections?" When ending his speech the ex President of Romania was given a bunch of white roses by a delegate there and he got some more applause. (...)
Resolution with no parliamentary bill
Mircea Geoana, Miron Mitrea and Titus Corlatean argued the party had to come with bill against the Cabinet in order to do away with the political standstill and call for early elections. "Let's not be hasty and do something to regret later", Ion Iliescu pointed.
There were only 11 members to vote against the PSD Resolution on settling the constitutional deadlock. Ion Iliescu himself voted for it.
But a phrase such as "bill against government" is not included in the document voted yesterday. The main idea sounds as follows: "The National Council assigns the PSD leaders and parliamentary groups to use all democratic means in order to end the political standstill and organize early elections."
Cristian ANDREI 
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