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  Nr. 4160 de sambata, 16 februarie 2008 
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PSD won't go for pre-electoral alliances
Cristian Diaconescu, a spokesman for the PSD (Social-Democrat Party), said yesterday that the party had no intention to proceed to pre-electoral alliances, adding that the party officials had not been assigned to tackle this in their meeting with the Liberals.
The spokesman denied any possible form of cooperation, whether alliance or partnership with some some right party, before elections.
The PSD senator Ion Iliescu, also an honorary president of the party, commented in his turn: "What will follow after elections will be influenced by the election results. It is only afterwards that there may follow talks on post-electoral associations. It would be useless to hold them earlier."
As for the meeting between the PSD president Mircea Geoana and the Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu, he described it as normal. He argued: "This is a delicate task for a party in the opposition. But it is supposed to detect the greatest danger for the democracy in Romania and know how to approach it in front of the two adversaries."
He added the PSD's goal was to act like the main party in the opposition and prevent the Democrat-Liberals' offensive. (C.A.)
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