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  Nr. 4160 de sambata, 16 februarie 2008 
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Norica Nicolai to sue President Basescu
Norica Nicolai, a vice president of the PNL (National Liberal Party), announced yesterday that she would sue the President of Romania Traian Basescu, claiming the latter's motivation to his own refusal to appoint her a minister of justice had broken her fundamental constitutional right to acquire public position.
The Liberal official argued: "I think in the law there is no criteria on personalizing the moral sense and the Constitutional Court. By presenting his motivation, the President broke my right as settled in Article 30 in the Constitution and the Universal Declaration on Human Rights." He also restrained my right to have access to a public position."
She explained more: "I have decided to address the court against President Traian Basescu. By his public comments made when motivating his dismissal of my candidacy, he broke a fundamental constitutional right of mine. I am aware that this lawsuit will take long. It is not my wish to acquire a public position, but just to prove that in Romania no one may break human rights, harming a person's dignity, honesty and access to public position." (R.G.)
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