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  Nr. 4160 de sambata, 16 februarie 2008 
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LATEST - In Brief
The company belonging to the owners of the Golden Blitz and the Euroconstruct got 1 million Euro extra for cleaning the snow off Bucharest streets.
The Bucharest Road and Bridge Authority signed the contracts invoking "extreme emergency". The money was sent to the company controlled by people close to Cotroceni Palace such as Sorin Vulpescu and Dan Besciu, by means of contracts for "later acquisitions".
The announcements on extra contracts were posted on web sites under titles such as " protected by laboratories" or "industrial soft for automatization". Mariana Magdalena Grigore, a head of the Bucharest Road and Bridge Authority, claims it is about some mistakes occured when posting the information.
The extra funds join the 47 million RON the Euroconstruct got after winning a controversial bid in November 2007 on contracts for cleaning the snow.
The new 1 million Euro was supplied, although the officials of the above-mentioned Authority claim the Euroconstruct did not provide services that cost as much as settled in the initial contract.
This is the third winter in a row that the same company has been hired to clean the snow and paid from public funds.
While doing some checks in 2006 the Ministry of Transport unveiled several flaws concerning the contracts. Still extra funds for snow cleaning reached the bank accounts of more companies known for controversial business with the state, such as Argecom and Tel Drum. (...) (M.G.)
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