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  Nr. 4156 de marti, 12 februarie 2008 
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PSD leader pretends he wants to overthrow government
Mircea Geoana, president of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party), has expressed a view in opposition to the Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu, claiming his party will no longer vote for a law authored by the government, because the PSD leader's final target is to have parliamentary elections take place in a different day. But he is enjoying no party support for the early elections he pursues, since all the PSD vice presidents are against the idea to come up with a bill against the Cabinet in the Parliament.
Romanian Liberals and Conservatives have been rather receptive to the idea. But the Democrat-Liberal Party opines Mircea Geona's attitude is sheer demagogy and the party is asking the PSD to come up with bill in the Parliament.
Yesterday the PSD president Mircea Geoana asked PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu to be dignified enough to resign to end this political, institutional, constitutional, economic and social deadlock. "This is the solution, for this state of things can't possibly go on. This is a government without support", he argued. According to the PSD president, the time of the orange government was over and now it was the right time for early elections. Therefore the Executive Committee of the PSD is to meet tomorrow to analyze what to do next.
But the vice presidents of the PSD are against it and they claim a bill against the Cabinet is out of question. The PSD vice president Rodica Nassar comments: "We shall proceed to no bill, for we are working on the local election campaign."
As for Viorel Hrebenciuc, he suggested the only solution to sack the PM would be for the President of Romania to demand that he be suspended, did there start criminal investigations against the head of the ruling Cabinet.
Talks to change date of parliamentary elections
As he was left without solutions because the Liberals decided yesterday not to replace government members, Mircea Geoana talked to the Conservatives yesterday in order to change the date of parliamentary elections. Party sources say the PSD leader announced his colleagues that the Liberals agreed to the idea.
Most PSD vice presidents are supporting their leader's plan and they think it will be helpful. "If they are held in the summer, it is good, for we can get a score close to the 2004 one", PSD vice president Constantin Nita argued.
Vasile Dancu and Ioan Stan were the only ones to oppose it The former explained: "We have got no clear evaluation, but if elections take place earlier it will be no advantage to us. Socialogically, it will be better to hold them next autumn." (...)
Cristian ANDREI, Adrian ILIE 
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