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  Nr. 4143 de luni, 28 ianuarie 2008 
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LATEST - In Brief
Romanian President's likely visit to Snakes Island
According to the Ukrainian Department of the Deutsche Welle, the President of Romania Traian Basescu is likely to pay a visit to Snakes Island (Insula Serpilor in Romanian), as reported by Rompres Agency. The source reminds in the context that Ukrainian authorities started complex operations to turn the island into a human settlement, although the island is under lawsuit by the International Court of Justice in Hague, with Romania and Ukraine as opponents.
In February 2007 they established the village of Belai on the island and the Kiev officials outlined the need to intensify the operations meant to transform this piece of land in the Black Sea into a human settlement.
Given the plans of local administration, in the next 3 months a group of customs guardians is to reach the territory and later on a small town is to be settled for tourists fond of diving. There are to be built villas and an archeology museum, Deutsche Welle mentions.
Nikolai Serdiuk, a governor of Odessa, claimed the Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko ordered that the island should be well equipped by then. Deutsche Welle quotes President Yushchenko: "If we claim this is Ukraine's territory, the territory must be updated to an international development level." (...) (G.D.)
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