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  Nr. 4134 de joi, 17 ianuarie 2008 
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President and PM passed test
The President of Romania together with the PM and the political opposition too passed the test last year, given the marks they get from Romanians, according to the opinion poll the CURS drew at the end of 2007.
According to the public opinion in Romania, the marks (1 to 10) look as follows: 6,43 for President Traian Basescu, 5,51 for PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu and 5,38 for the opposition.
According to the same research, the Romanians' electoral preferences looked like this: 36% for the PDL (Democrat Liberal Party), 25% for the PSD (Social-Democrat Party), 14% for the PNL (National Liberal Party) and 6% for the UDMR (Democrat Union of Magyars in Romania). Both the PNG (New Generation Party) and the PRM ("Greater Romania" Party) are rated with 5% each, the PC (Conservative Party) has got 3% and 2% is the score for the PIN (New Initiative Party) and the PNTCD (National Christian-Democrat Party). It is to be mentioned that 41% of the people interviewed were either undetermined or ignorant of the matter.
In most Romanians' view, politicians do too much talking on personal matters and laws to pursue personal interests (26%), about trifles, lies and false promises (12%), as well as about the fight for power and political conflicts (11%). On the other hand, 36% of Romanians say politicians do too little talking on the poor standards of living in the country. And there are 7% who claim the true state of things in Romania is ignored. (O.B.)
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