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  Nr. 4134 de joi, 17 ianuarie 2008 
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Russian Patriarchy assails Romania
Bishop Mark Egorievsky, representing Moscow Patriarchy, has claimed Romania wants to "absorb" the Moldovan Republic, according to the Kommersant, a Russian daily Rompres Agency cites. Moscow Patriarchy is now irritated because the Metropolitan Church of the latter republic complained to the European Court of Human Rights against authorities' decision to expel 3 priests and 1 nun. Chishinau authorities' anti-Romanian offensive has been going on this week by the voicing of corruption accusations against Romanian authorities. This time it has been Valentin Zubic, a vice minister of home affairs in Chishinau, who has announced that Moldovan authorities detected two Romanian employees of the Ministry of Justice providing Romanian citizenship for money. The accusations coming from Chishinau are meant for Brussels, supposed to take action about the insecurity of the EU's eastern border. Moreover, minister Zubic's words insinuate the Moldovan special services have been watching Romanian officials, including the Ministry of Justice, in the last 7 months.
Accusations from Moscow and congregationalism as 'solution'
According to the Russian Bishop Mark Egorievsky, a deputy of the Foreign Relations Department in the Moscow Patriarchy, the action taken by the Romanian Patriarchy is a political step taken by Bucharest authorities wishing to get the European Commission's support for 'absorbing' the Moldovan Republic not only in terms of the Church, but also in territorial and political terms. This accusation has been expressed at times of undiplomatic intensification of the activity of the Romanian Orthodox Church in the Moldovan Republic, which has brought to the foreground an anti-Romanian solution to the problem: the congregationalism of the Metropolitan Church of Basarabia, reactivated after 1989 by the late Patriarch Teoctist, despite the obstacles set by Moscow, Bucharest and Chishinau.
It is to be added that two days ago the Church of Serbia announced "solidarity" with the Russian Church against the Romanian Orthodox Church. Aleksei II, the Russian Patriarch, announced that next week he would award the Moldovan President Vladimir Voronin with the prize of the international foundation for the unity of Orthodox peoples, due to his "personal contribution to the preservation of the canonical Orthodox unity in Moldova". President Voronin is to reach Moscow in January 22 and talk to the Russian President Vladimir Putin. (...)
Case hasn't reached the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ilie Banica, a spokesman for the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has announced the Moldovan officials haven't announced the ministry about the two employees of the Ministry of Justice allegedly involved in an illegal service network facilitating Romanian citizenship for Moldovan citizens. The ministry official has reminded that the bilateral relations between the two countries allow for direct communication between the two ministries of justice. (...)
According to Romanian diplomacy sources, for almost a year now the Communist authorities in Chishinau have been avoiding institutional dialogue with Romanian authorities, choosing to express messages through the press instead, just as in the case of Romanian consul Rus and the recent corruption accusations. Such communication at a standstill became visible late last year. Romania's foreign minister Adrian Cioroianu attended the opening of the new building housing the Romanian Consulate in Chishinau, but the communist officials made no contact with him. The Romanian official got no protection from the police there, although Moldovan authorities had been announced about the visit.
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