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  Nr. 4133 de miercuri, 16 ianuarie 2008 
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A cover called Ioan Talpes
-- Sensational information unveiled by an ex intelligence officer deciphers the dialogue between terrorist Omar Hayssam and prosecutor Ciprian Nastasiu. According to clues, the mysterious 'teacher' is Ioan Talpes, formerly a chief of the SIE (Foreign Intelligence Service) and a vice PM, the man who covered the terrorist systematically.
In the phone calls between no. 1 terrorist in Romania Omar Hayssam and prosecutor Ciprian Nastasiu, in charge of the case, there is mentioned a mysterious character referred to as the 'teacher', related to the Syrian businessman's escape from Romania. Some of the press has been claiming the 'teacher' is actually President Traian Basescu. Others think the 'teacher' is Ioan Talpes. The latter has denied it publicly, adding he knew nothing about the crimes terrorist Omar Hayssam committed in Romania. Still Ioan Talpes contributed to the protection provided to Omar Hayssam. As ex SIE chief, ex head of Ioan Iliescu's Presidency Administration and ex vice PM, Ioan Talpes muffled and ignored serious information and reports from intelligence people, concerning Omar Hayssam's involvement in terrorist networks in Romanian economy and finance, meant to get money and launder it for export. In today's newspaper you can read the opinion of Florin Georgescu, formerly an employee of the secret services, about Omar Hayssam's activities, reports muffled by Omar Hayssam.
Florin Georgescu provided his superiors and the most important state institutions with reports on money laundry and financial fraud committed through cover companies handled in Romania by the members of some networks established by foreign citizens, Arabs in particular. Omar Hayssam was one of the people monitored. In 1994, when Ioan Talpes was chief of the SIE, Florin Georgescu noticed his reports weren't reaching the right place, because of being deadlocked in certain structures of the Prosecutor's Office and the Romanian General Police Inspection. He also learned that some of his colleagues and superiors, prosecutors and policemen, protected the business of some Arab citizens, although it jeopardized national security.
Corrupted officers' revenge
And there followed the revenge of those accused of corruption and treason. In 1996, when Ioan Talpes was head of the SIE, Florin Georgescu got to face a first criminal case, invented because of an alleged fraud, with help from the Romanian Secret Service and the Prosecutor's Office. He was under arrest for almost a year. He was marginalized in order to keep his mouth shut and be forced into taking his reports back. In a separate material you can read about what the man who managed to resist prolonged arrest had to face. He says his experience as a revolutionary of the 1989 revolution helped him, together with the trauma he had suffered when mistreated by the ex Romanian Secret Service.
In the end prosecutors had to decide not to open criminal inquiry on the case in 2000. This judicial drama that ruined the life and family of Florin Georgescu made him complain to the European Court of Human Rights. The case is now to reach trial.
It is to be added that in 2003 and 2004 the ex officer addressed Western embassies and state authorities, pointing to the names of the Arabs involved in the financing of some terrorist organizations. Omar Hayssam was on the list that reached vice PM Ioan Talpes. In 2005 another criminal case against Florin Georgescu came up, with alleged fraud at stake. While searching his home once, many of the proves he had were confiscated.
The Superior Council of Magistracy too is now searching for the 'teacher', which is why the institution is checking on prosecutor Ciprian Nastasiu.
Silviu ALUPEI 
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