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  Nr. 4131 de luni, 14 ianuarie 2008 
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LATESTB - In Brief
Ukraine to open museum on Snakes Island
For this year's budget Kiev officials settled funds for accomplishing the harbor area in Insula Serpilor (Snakes Island). Both Romania and Ukraine are expressing claim to rights over this property and the International Court of Justice in Hague is in charge of the trial.
Ukrainian officials also settled funds for opening a museum of natural sciences on the isle, which has got more facilities such as bank, a ship, a post office and more, used as evidence to prove the place is "a human settlement".
The officials haven't mentioned whether the access to the future museum is free or not, just as they haven't mentioned whether the museum employees are members of the customs staff or not, whether the president of the museum is an employee of the bank or post office or not.
It would be no surprise if in the future we got to see a nature reserve settled on this territory. (...) (N.M.)
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