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  Nr. 4131 de luni, 14 ianuarie 2008 
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Ludovic Orban and Marian Vanghelie want to rule over Bucharest
Ludovic Orban, a vice president of the PNL (National Liberal Party), admitted yesterday that he was thinking about entering the competition on a future mayor to rule Bucharest, but he added the final decision was due after a domestic poll was completed. The Liberal told the Hotnews: "My experience and the way Bucharest looks like make me think I am the right candidate for a general mayor." He added his party colleagues were asking him to join the competition, adding that the final decision would probably be reached in March.
The Liberal official took this opportunity to do away with allegations on the postponement of local elections, mentioning the Liberals didn't have such a plan and hadn't analyzed the idea together with the Social-Democrats.
As far as the latter party is concerned, Marian Vanghelie pointed that Social-Democrats wanted all the 6 mayors of Bucharest districts and the general mayor too to come from their party. He told Realitatea TV station: "I want to be a candidate. If they think I am the best, I will take care that the curb affair and the parking business are settled." (C.A.)
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Vanghelie has a parfume of Shakespeare... he;s been "created ONLY to be"...anyway.. anyone into...   de Omul cu Picioare foarte Paroase
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