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  Nr. 4131 de luni, 14 ianuarie 2008 
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The terrorist bomb
The scandal emerging because of the stenograms of talks between a prosecutor and a terrorist can turn into a Romanian Watergate. This is the main exam for our democracy. If so, Romania has got a chance to pass on to a new epoch. If not, a virtual main exam will turn into a mess and look like affairs such as "Cigarette 1", "Cigarette 2", "Cigarette 3" and so on. Why miss the chance to analyze the system thoroughly? Why wouldn't Romanian society have the privilege to highlight what is truly rotten and extirpate the rumor? The identity of the 'teacher' is one main key to the terrorist bomb. The 'teacher' is that person on top of the hierarchy that the two interlocutors mentioned a lot in their talks, kept secret until a couple of days ago.
The release of all the stenograms recorded by the SRI (Romanian Secret Service) for the public opinion, but not for some investigators who can be manipulated, would help us learn who is the 'teacher', the key character who directed the deal on the freedom of Omar Hayssam, sentenced by Romanian Justice as the most important terrorist ever caught in Bucharest and later on missing. Mr. General Zamfir, since you are the coordinator of phone call intercepting in Romania, please prove some dignity: protect the Constitution and the law and disclose a very severe crime by uncovering the stenograms you have. It is about an attack against the state of law and about guilty complicity between a piece of a terrorist and a very important politician. While they were investigating against Omar Hayssam about his terrorist activity to give people the wrong impression, somewhere in the basement of the prison the same prosecutor Ciprian Nastasiu was chatting with the same Omar Hayssam about how he was to be set free. But mind you, not in exchange to crucial information about terrorist organizations in Romania and elsewhere, but on true or imaginary information compromising the ruling officials' political adversaries, the enemies of the rulers in Cotroceni Palace. This is outrageous, even if most of the stenograms are kept hidden.
The second key point of great importance is Ciprian Nastasiu's identity as under cover officer. This 'status' of his is incompatible to his status as prosecutor. We can admit there are under cover officers in all fields, nut not where the powers in state are used. There are some who put up with the existence of under cover officers in the press. But the press is the fourth power in state, although not admitted so by the Constitution. But why is there an under cover officer inside Justice, supposed to be independent? Ciprian Nastasiu's existence as under cover officer while a prosecutor is itself a break of the Constitution, which I will develop upon some other time.
And there is another singular event. One day in 2007 the same prosecutor knocked on the US Embassy's door in Bucharest to ask for no more and no less than support to get in touch with high Justice and secret service officials in Washington. It happened after he had helped Omar Hayssam flee. Mind you, it was not the state authorities who asked for such contacts, it was just a prosecutor, also an under cover officer feeling guilty, because of releasing a true terrorist just when the terrorist war was progressing. Who accompanied Ciprian Nastasiu to Washington? The answer is sensational: General Ioan Talpes. What did they disclose in the US? They probably tried to fool the Americans the Romanian way.
Will the terrorist bomb explode in Basescu's face, in Talpes's face or in the faces of both?
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