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  Nr. 4130 de sambata, 12 ianuarie 2008 
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Garbage connection
-- Nicolae Ninel Caval, a friend of Adrian Videanu's since childhood, is in control of a significant part of cesspits in Bucharest.
Caval is making a fortune at the expenses of the health of those people who inhabit the village of Vidra. The cesspit there is a source of severe pollution in the area, which the Environment Protection is aware of, given the fines reaching 8,000 RON. Although it doesn't care about ecology, the cesspit in Vidra continues to exist and Traian Basescu himself was present at the opening.
The Eco Sud SRL, the company that brings garbage here, has got Irena Marcu and Elena Ilie, sisters, as shareowners, but they are only puppets. They are partners of the businessman Ninel Caval's. The Eco Sud SRL is also in control of the cesspit in Mofleni, a locality in Dolj. The property in Craiova comes from Systema Ecologic SRL, whose main shareowner is Adriean Videanu's former school colleague.
Some Italians who own lots of companies in Romania are business partners of Caval's. The Italians rule over the garbage in Naples too, which may get to the cesspit in Videa. Via the Pileri brothers the Italians are involved in the affair with the 'ecological' waste hole in Glina too. (...) (M.G.)
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