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  Nr. 4130 de sambata, 12 ianuarie 2008 
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Nicolai: Basescu has behaved like the Securitate
-- Liberal Senator Norica Nicolai claimed yesterday evening that, were the facts invoked by the President of Romania Traian Basescu true, she would step back. According to the senator, the Romanian President's initiative against her was "undignified for a man and abusive for a President".
Norica Nicolai, a vice President of the National Liberal Party, argued: "Basescu has tried to take Romania back to those nightmare years. I have been feeling like a person, a woman, a politician investigated by the ex Securitate (Communist Secret Service in Romania). Basescu has proved that the ex Securitate survives and he is a diligent collaborator. He is the one who has judged the so-called evidence and reached a verdict. Any other opinion is useless, for the verdict has already been reached. Fortunately, the present life is not the one before 1989 and public opinion can decide who is right."
She claimed the 1987 incident the President pointed was a blunt lie: "As a jurist, I am fully responsible and I say that, had someone done such a thing, someone would have been sued and sentenced for falsehood and abuse at work. I have never been sentenced." She added: "Any other comment is useless. In this country one can't defend oneself against made up accusations." As for the second situation invoked by the head of state, she just mentioned: "I didn't break the law!"
According to sources cited by Mediafax Agency, yesterday morning the PM met with Norica Nicolai who assured him there could be no problems about her previous activity to prevent her from being appointed a minister.
When ZIUA called it a day the President had already asked PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu for dialogue one more time, adding the time and the place were up to him. (A.H.)
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