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  Nr. 4130 de sambata, 12 ianuarie 2008 
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It's Basescu! Or is it Talpes?
-- There have recently leaked the stenograms of some talks between political prosecutor Ciprian Nastasiu and Omar Hayssam, at first sentenced to 20 years of prison for terrorism. But the convicted fled with his interlocutor's help, that is political prosecutor Ciprian Nstasiu.
The information unveiled in the press today is based on a leak. Of course the stenograms haven't reached public opinion by accident. It is about some main pieces in the Prosecutor's Office used by President Traian Basescu to attack his political adversaries. The dialogues just released show there were some guilty deals between Ciprian Nastasiu and Omar Hayssam. And it is easy to realize that the snowball may turn into an avalanche to leave presidency with no credibility. If these ideas are sensible, then it is also sensible that Traian Basescu, a political strategist, a player and a virtual loser should try any means to make this scandal hazy, for example the coming up with different issues, such as Norica Nicolai. In the end public opinion can make out nothing and the President-as-target gets lost in a pile of hypotheses.
It is certain that Omar Hayssam was sentenced for terrorism and the sentence can get confirmed by cancelling appeal. It is certain that along the years he was in intense contacts with the high level officials in Bucharest and that he worked under cover for at least one secret service of this country. His involvement in the crisis of the Romanians abducted in Iraq was very important. He was also in frequent contact, both direct and indirect, with Traian Basescu, both before and after he became a President. It is certain that Omar Hayssam had business and other kind of contacts with numerous politicians now chased by Traian Basescu. Therefore Omar Hayssam is a potential source of precious information that can compromise the President's enemies.
Before getting help from prosecutor Ciprian Nastasiu to leave Romania, Omar Hayssam delivered at least some of the 'merchandise' by providing information during the talks held in the prison house. The Romanian Secret Service recorded these talks. But the dialogues are much more numerous than those disclosed so far. It is also certain that the remaining 'merchandise' was to be delivered after the 'release'. As far as this is concerned, there are at stake several talks recorded by the Romanian Secret Service. Only some of them have been uncovered.
And now the uncertain points, which are more significant and can explode better. The release of the stenograms on the Internet is of the cocktail type. Whether deliberately or not, there were mixed stenograms of talks held in prison with stenograms of phone calls, which leads to false chronologies. Yet out of respect for the truth and the readers, I feel like expressing some hypotheses. If they prove true, they can help Traian Basescu. Ciprian Nastasiu has never been a servant loyal to the head of state or to Monica Macovei. He spoke double or even triple language. Since he was an under cover officer, he had to serve his masters there too. But it was neither Traian Basescu nor the secret services who sent him to the center of some criminal cases. He was sent by Ioan Talpes. The latter delivered him and Adriana Cristescu, the famous "black prosecutor" to Traian Basescu. Didn't Ciprian Nastasiu serve this mater too?
Who is the "teacher" the two mentioned in the stenograms? Is it Traian Basescu or Ioan Talpes? When we can give the answer, we can also learn the terrorist's accomplice for sure and the one who helped the terrorist flee.
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