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  Nr. 4128 de joi, 10 ianuarie 2008 
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LATEST - In Brief
ECHR as gap to fill
Romania was sentenced in Strasbourg to pay damages of more than 10 million Euro. But instead of recuperating the harm done from the magistrates guilty of it, Romania prefers making citizens pay for it.
In 2000-2007, the European Court of Human Rights sanctioned Romania in 221 cases. The state paid millions of Euro, but without recuperating one penny from the guilty, although the law allowed for it. Moreover, in 2006 the state had to take regress action against the magistrates who had made mistakes out of carelessness or ill intentions. But the Ministry of Finance took no action to recuperate the damages and therefore magistrates go on suing, as badly as before.
When they gave it a try, it was too late. The Ministry of Finance claims, but without any legal grounds, that they may not start regress action since there is no final decision on magistrates' criminal or discipline responsibility.
But the very Superior Council of Magistracy denies the view of the Ministry of Finance. Romania comes second, after Russia, in terms of the number of complaints reaching the ECHR. (...) (G.T.)
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