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  Nr. 4122 de sambata, 29 decembrie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
King as guardian of fundamental values
Prince Radu is reminding that 60 years ago, in December 30, 1947, Romania was being deprived of the last institution enjoying natural authority and with a call for guarding democracy, namely King Mihai. Prince Radu explains in press release: "Dictatorship was usurping monarchy in the name of a republic it did not intend and it could not achieve. The voice of the people was thus put to silence for 50 years." There is added: "Between 40 years of communism and the assassination of the state there is a difference equal to the one between the confiscation of a house and the act of setting it on fire."
In the release there is emphasized: "The fact that our Family has got a part to play in today's Romania is not due to politicians' fondness of monarchy or to the world states' anxiety about our continuity, tradition or identity. This part consists in guarding and serving fundamental values, without which no society can head the good or develop to serve general interests."
And the Prince of Hohenzollern-Veringen concludes: "The King is the rightful guardian of fundamental values. One does not need eyes, but citizenship in order to see the crown King Mihai puts on the forehead of today's Romania. " (D.I.)
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Oh yes - I'm truly happy to see His Majesty Michael 1st - fully valued as a King / Monarch - and as   de Omul cu Picioare foarte Paroase
Sure, sure   de GiorgiBuj
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