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  Nr. 4115 de miercuri, 19 decembrie 2007 
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Budget passing costs 700 million Euro
Radu Berceanu, a senator representing the PD (Democrat Party), accused yesterday that the PNL (National Liberal Party) paid the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) to pass the 2008 budget project: "2,4 billion ROL is the price he PNL paid to the PSD so that the latter would support the state budget for 2008 in the Parliament." He claimed this was why the PDL (Democrat Liberal Party) wouldn't vote for the budget. According to the senator, the PRM ("Greater Romania" Party) and the PC (Conservative Party) too got extra funds for one district each.
Romanian MPs had a fast session to pass the budget yesterday. Except for the PDL, all the groups voted for it, satisfied with the deals the Liberals made lately.
The PD senator presented the results of an analysis of the funds settled for the local budgets in 2008 and the conclusion is that the PNL offered those districts headed by Social-Democrat 700 million Euro in exchange to votes for the budget project. According to Radu Berceanu, the money is to reach the destination districts not via the Public Finance Department, but via the district councils, who will distribute the funds depending on local interests. The senator argued this decision to supply funds to districts ruled by Social-Democrats reached further: the money would get to the territory 6 months before the local elections due in 2008 and the PSD would make use of "the bribes' effects". (R.I.P.)
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