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  Nr. 4115 de miercuri, 19 decembrie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
More than a half of the 35 MEPs to leave for Strasbourg to represent Romania run important business at home. Democrat Marian Jean Marinescu owns 7 companies and Liberal Daniel Daianu is an associate in several companies. There are also the Social-Democrat Rovana Plumb and the Democrat Petru Filip.
Many of the MEPs to represent Romania in Strasbourg have got very profitable business at home. If the business develops at European level by finding opportunities or new partners, the MEPs from Romania stand a chance to improve personal profit, apart from the considerable wages they will cash as MEPs.
Democrat Sorin Funzeverde tops the list. The ex defense minister owns two companies in Resita, his hometown, together with his wife. The first deals with distribution of cars, industrial equipment, ships and aircraft. His other company was established in the early 2004 and the Democrat's wife is the only shareowner. It deals with retail trade and the 2005 profit reached 35, 823 RON. (...) (M.G.)
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