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  Nr. 4114 de marti, 18 decembrie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
Foreign minister is for national minorities' self-determination
Those members of the parliamentary committees for foreign affairs who talked to Romania's foreign minister Adrian Cioroianu yesterday say the latter official is for the national minorities' collective rights.
This is the way the minister answered a question asked by Social-Democrat Adrian Nastase: "I am convinced you have both the subtlety and experience you need to realize that we have supported this theoretical approach from the beginning. It is about the collective rights of the national minorities, about what we say about a certain case. But beyond it there is a theoretical approach we have invoked whenever asked: Is it about Transylvania? It is about problems in the country? (...) It is not the Transylvania idea that makes us use such an approach. This is simply about a principle we have been for or against so far. I can't see what it will happen if it changes. Yes, it is related to the idea that an ethnic minority in a country could decide on their own fate."
Social-Democrat Mircea Geoana interrupted him to claim that what they understood was that Romania supported the minorities' collective rights and self-determination. The foreign minister interrupted Mircea Geoana in his turn to frown and claim he did say that not for one second. (D.E.)
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