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  Nr. 4110 de joi, 13 decembrie 2007 
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Constitutional Court: government's uninominal vote law is unconstitutional
The Constitutional Court announced yesterday that 3 norms in the uninominal vote law the Romanian government had taken responsibility for in the Parliament were unconstitutional. It is to be reminded that the Constitutional Court expressed view at the Romanian President's request.
Given the decision, the Parliament must now harmonize the law at stake with the Constitutional Courts view. The President of Romania may promulgate this law only after it has reached the Parliament for revision in order to meet the Constitutional Court's demands.
Government thinks about emergency ordinance
Liberal Bogdan Olteanu, a speaker for the Chamber of Deputies, announced yesterday that, in case of delays with the adoption of the document, the government might release an emergency ordinance on it. He argued: "If one side or the other persists in preventing the uninominal vote system from being used for the next parliamentary elections, the government may use means such as take political responsibility to promote this law, even by releasing an emergency ordinance."
The Liberal also mentioned they were waiting for the Constitutional Court to explain the decision and then they would address the Electoral Code Commission. And the latter will elaborate a report proposing the modifications required by the Constitutional Court. Both Chambers are in charge of a decision after debating on the amendments and voting.
PM wants debate
The Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu announced after yesterday's meeting of government members that he was suggesting debates with parliamentary parties on the Constitutional Court's view so that the uninominal vote law would be modified in keeping with it. The PM claimed they would take into account the Constitutional Court's motivations and he emphasized that another law draft on the issue was out of question.
APD wants the issue depoliticized
The APD (Pro Democracy Association) demanded the Parliament yesterday to harmonize the uninominal vote with the Court's decision, outlining it was important that the law should pass as soon as possible.
According to the association, the law it authored together with the Romanian government is the only realistic solution for a uninominal vote system in the future parliamentary elections. In the press release there is mentioned: "Given the circumstances, the APD is asking for sensibility, demanding politicians and institutions to stop politicizing this issue so that the general interest in the political reform would prevail over group interests." (A.H., O.B., A.I.)
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