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  Nr. 4106 de sambata, 8 decembrie 2007 
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Complicity and blackmail
The President of Romania Traian Basescu is assailing the Tariceanu Cabinet again and he is also targeting the APD (Pro Democracy Association). Before setting out for Lisbon's EU-Africa reunion yesterday evening, he uncovered one more unconstitutional trifle in the uninominal vote law the government had taken responsibility for, concluding that the APD and the Cabinet had collaborated for cheating on Romanians.
The head of state criticized the project authored by the APD and the government once again, claiming that Article 2 was unconstitutional too, because of stipulating that early elections might be organized because of territorial-administrative reorganization. The President argued the Constitution forbade it. He commented: "Personally, I don't think the APD didn't realize that norms in Article 2 and Article 26 break the Constitution. This is why I am suspecting complicity between the APD and the government."
The President announced that, if the Constitutional Court decided he was wrong, he would publicly apologize to both the Cabinet and the APD. Otherwise he would accuse both institutions of deliberate attempt to fool public opinion by promoting an unconstitutional law.
The APD leader Cristian Diaconescu denied any complicity with the government, adding that the conflict between the Romanian President and PM was also effecting on the law draft.
Deadline for PM to sack the Justice minister
The President demanded PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu to dismiss minister Paul Pacuraru and minister Tudor Chiuariu too before the release of a presidential decree to give them the sack. President Basescu mentioned: "It would be extremely bad for Romania to have a justice minister sent to prosecutors and suspended by presidential decree, given the justice minister's importance in any government."
The PM was also given a deadline by the head of state: "The weekend is a wise adviser and I am willing to be patient, if I know it will happen."
The President argued that criminal investigations against a justice minister in power
would signify the bankruptcy of Romanian Justice. (...)
Adrian ILIE, Ovidiu BANCHES 
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