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  Nr. 4106 de sambata, 8 decembrie 2007 
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US imposes solutions for Kosovo the Nazi way
His Royal Highness Prince Alexander II of Serbia and Yugoslavia, a grandson of Queen Mary of Romania, together with Her Royal Highness Princess Ecaterina visited the Romanian Royal Family in November 4-7. Prince Alexander was kind enough to give us an interview in the last day of his visit, recounting life in exile, the return to his ancestors' palace in Belgrade after almost 60 years, his country's future and his relations with the Romanian Royal Family. He is a man you can't resist: warm, clever, educated, frank and modest.
He remembers that in 1991, when traveling to Belgrade together with his wife and three sons, Peter, Philip and Alexander, more than a half of the city inhabitants went out in the street. He adds he thought he would never get to visit his country, but that this was possible due to the democratic opposition there. He mentions they asked him to come and waited for him at the airport: Kostunica, Djindjik. Prince Alexander emphasizes ever since he has always tried to help them. (...)
When asked about the way he managed to keep in touch with his compatriots under the Communist regime, the Prince says this was very difficult. He recounts that someone would occasionally manage to come to see his father and other times he would be brought in to say hello. He mentions it all got easier after 1990, but the 'games' were still unbelievable, for the propaganda against his father and family was still intense. They would say we were the greatest thieves in the world, that we had left the country taking trains loaded of gold. And his sense of humor: it would have been good, had it been so!
As for the presence of the Communist secret services, His Highness recollects they would always interfere in his fathers' life and proceed to plots. When I started to work against the regime, he remembers, they set up some extraordinary plots, they published letters I never wrote and invented all sorts of things, for the system's principle was "divide et impera'. (...)
In this part of Europe there are three types of cooperation between royal families and state officials. King Simeon of Bulgaria was also a PM, in Romania His Highness Prince Radu is also a special representative of the government, but in Serbia things are different. According to Prince Alexander, Prince Radu is doing a great job and enjoys true appreciation from everyone, due to his skill and cleverness.
As for himself, His Highness comments he was against the regime until it collapsed, he got people together, he organized conferences and opposed Mr. Miloshevik. Then he decided to be the unifying force and respect the past with no revenge. He explains he decided to make people together, something much appreciated by their politicians, he helped the country's economy by bringing investors, by being a sort of ambassador. Prince Alexander argues he was a host for some heads of state and the government asked him for help in cases like Kosovo. He concludes it was a very good cooperation. He explains the unions asked him to run for Presidency, but he didn't do it, because he had come to unify, not to separate. He calls it a fascinating period.
As for monarchy, His Highness opines it is to be rediscovered in an appropriate, calm way. He thinks that, seven years after the revolution, things are going pretty well, for they live where their family lived and welcome everybody.
As far as the Serbian personalities' perception of monarchy is concerned, Prince Alexander says they take for an institution that respects all people, regardless of political beliefs, ethnic origin or religion. He claims that due to his wife's participation in charity work they perceive monarchy for an institution who cares. He mentions the making of a foundation for education, therefore monarchy is seen as an institution involved in helping people, not in search of power. (...)
As for the Kosovo issue, which he calls tragic, His Highness reckons it should be settled among themselves. He emphasizes that he dislikes and criticizes the US approaches, that of imposing independence by force. He describes this as undemocratic, as violation of human rights. He argues that the US and the EU should act like honest brokers and arrange debate. According to Prince Alexander, this would be the adult way to settle the problem, instead of the "Nazi way" to impose solutions. He argues this is how democracy works, this is how he was taught in the West and in the US. And he adds they disappointed him, for they go against what they taught. Still His Highness says he is glad to see a more mature attitude, that of bringing both sides at the same table.
As for Serbia's membership to the NATO and the EU, he comments the EU is still a dream and he congratulates Romania for such an impressing progress. He calls the relations between Romania and Serbia as very good. (...)
Prince Alexander recommends progress for a better life: investments and social services with still a lot to be done.
As for what he can do to help his nation progress, His Highness argues he can be an ambassador, a meeting point to being people to help the country progress. He summarizes his contribution as bringing people together.
When asked about the Romanian minority in Serbia, His Highness says all minorities must have equal rights, which is very important. He says in the numerous Romanian and Hungarian minorities there are very good people and he is helpful that things will improve, adding he is against anyone who would seek political fame by criticizing or doing something bad against any minority.
The general conclusion is that things are moving and, once the Kosovo conflict settled, more time can be used for improving the basis of democracy.
Margarita GEICA 
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