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  Nr. 4102 de marti, 4 decembrie 2007 
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No one sanctioned because of Euro-election results
-- The executive committee of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) sanctioned no member yesterday when analyzing the results of the Euro-elections. But new disputes emerged. Every local leader thought he was a victim of injustice in the evaluation by central party leaders and sides blamed each other for the party's decline in opinion polls.
According to the statement made by the PSD president Mircea Geoana, his party won't make a government together with the PNL (National Liberal Party), choosing the opposition instead. As for the Liberals, they estimate they will be left alone by the Social-Democrats who are busy with their domestic war and don't intend to join them for governing.
As for the PD (Democrat Party), the party seems in no hurry to join the PLD (Liberal-Democrat Party) in alliance.
Social-Democrats blame each other
Here is the message PSD member Ion Iliescu expressed yesterday: "Who is there to reproach me for my statements? Get serious, there is no one to set sanctions in this party!"
As for the young Victor Ponta, he commented: " The no sanction is no surprise. Everyone knows we will win elections, but let's see if it is possible."
Strain keeps constant in the party. Octav Cozmanca claimed the present party leaders were to be blamed for the Euro-election score, whereas Vasile Dancu argued in an interview to Hotnews that Ion Iliescu and Mircea Geoana were unable to lead the party to a better score in future elections.
This is the background against which the PSD leader mentions things will become clear after a domestic analysis and in the National Council the party's political offer will be updated. "We can no longer afford any mistake", he points. As for the opposition to the government, the Romanian President and the PD, he says it will be firm and he adds there will be held no negotiations on the making of a government. (...) (C.A., A.I., R.G.)
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