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  Nr. 4101 de luni, 3 decembrie 2007 
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Voronin continues his attacks against Romania
The president of the Republic of Moldova, communist Vladimir Voronin, continues the series of media attacks against Romania. The most recent attack the leader in Chishinau had during an interview realized in Russian was last Friday, while the Embassy of Romania in Chishinau was giving a reception on the occasion of Romania's National Day anniversary.
Voronin referred to president Traian Basescu's recent statements on a possible rejoining of the Romanians of the two banks of the Prut River within the EU. He accused Romania, by saying that, after having become an EU member state, it nourishes the reunification dream, according to a Rompres agency release. However, this is not going to happen, said Voronin, invoking "the 650 years of Moldavian statehood", one of the ideas the communist authorities in Chishinau have obsessively promoted lately. "If it were to take Bucharest seriously, all the treaties following the WW II should be revised. This would mean a revision of the whole Europe, and it would Romania itself back as a boomerang", said the leader in Chishinau. Voronin also tackled the issue of reactivating, by the Romanian Orthodox Church (Ro. BOR), the three dioceses within the Bessarabyan Metropolitan Church. He threatened he would contest the 2001 decision of the European Court for Human Rights. By this decision, the Republic of Moldova was obliged to legalize the Metropolitan Church of Bessarabya, as part of the Romanian Orthodox Church, unless the latter didn't revise its decision to open three dioceses on a territory that included Moldova and Ukraine. "We do not want that the situation in Kosovo is repeated in Moldova. That is why we shall contest the decision of the Court in Strasbourg, in case the disorder surrounding the Metropolitan Church in Moldova doesn't stop," threatened the leader in Chishinau, who considers the measure taken by BOR as an attack against the statehood and sovereignty of the Republic of Moldova. (D.E.)
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