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  Nr. 4101 de luni, 3 decembrie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
Analyses inside the Social-Democrat Party
The Social Democrats (Ro. PSD) might decide today whether they would force the Liberals' hand to come to power. Also, they will analyze, at the Executive Committee meeting, the result obtained in the Euro-elections. Information circulated all along last week about a possible sanction for the branch leaders with a weak score in the voting or about pushing to the organization of an extraordinary Congress of the party due to the unsatisfying result. And yet it is quite unlikely that the Social Democrats choose one of these alternatives. As far as the collaboration with PNL (National Liberal Party) is concerned, most of the vice-presidents say that it shouldn't take the shape of the parliamentary support, but, preferably, that of an agreement at governmental level, which should be effective during the next mandate as well. However the PNL and PSD leaders have only have cautious talks so far, without reaching a concrete solution. (D.I.)
A r h i v a
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