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  Nr. 4098 de miercuri, 28 noiembrie 2007 
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PRM, PNG and PC still on stage
Last Sunday's Euro-election has proved that, for the time being, parties like the PRM ("Greater Romania" Party), the PNG (New Generation Party) and the PC (Conservative Party) lack a European call. Still the results they will reach in general elections can be totally different.
The three parties' failure comes mainly from their electorate's disinterest in European matters. According to sociological research, the supporters of the PRM and the PNG make an electorate of nationalist and ultranationalist nature, usually impressed by a populist discourse targeting domestic problems of Romania's. As for Dan Voiculescu's Conservatives, they have got to intensify their nationalist discourse, tinged with populist dimensions. Here are two examples: insistent criticism of the national minorities' status, elaborated by the UDMR (Democrat Union of Magyars in Romania), and demand for a cut on the VAT for basic food products.
Another feature the three groups have in common is the fact that they are one-leader parties, which is more than obvious for the PRM and the PNG. As far as the PC is concerned, Dan Voiculescu has always been the main decision making factor in terms of the party's political orientation.
The poor results in the election of MEPs are also due to the three party leaders' inability to make their own electorate take interest in European matters. On the contrary, they focused on domestic matters only.
The PRM sees scenarios everywhere
Corneliu Vadim Tudor is the most illustrative example. The only things he ever speaks about are corruption, thieves, fraud, Magyar danger in Transylvania, people's need of food and medicine. He always voices scenarios on foreign groups, mainly American ones, ruling Romanian politics and therefore faking any scrutiny. As for European matters, there is hardly a thing. Corneliu Vadim Tudor pursues projects like a prison for the Mafia men. He has warned his electorate about the failure to ratify the European Constitution in other states. As for his party's affiliation to some political family in Europe, sometimes there is such a thing, sometimes there is not. Their failure to join the EPP is therefore relevant.
Voiculescu draws projects for people
The European failure of the PRM and the PNG is clear. But the PC managed to get 2,83% (the minimum score required is 5%), although in many opinion polls the party was reaching no higher than 1%. Therefore the Conservatives' score in Euro-elections was not disastrous, since market research has for years shown that Voiculescu's party is much below 5%.
In spite of having a certain European affiliation, the Conservatives have focussed on European matters neither. Their populist project regard only domestic difficulties Romanians are faced with and solutions such as no tax on the reinvested profit, the making of a solidarity fund for the Romanian retired and the cut on the VAT for basic food products. (...)
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