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  Nr. 4096 de luni, 26 noiembrie 2007 
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Proof of Basescu's 3 state-owned villas
ZIUA provides you with the proof showing that the President of Romania Traian Basecu had 3 state-owned, luxurious houses at the same time.
The proof emerged when the President's family bought a piece of land in Aleea Privighetorilor, Bucharest, next to a property of Costel Casuneanu, the 'king of asphalt'. Traian and Maria Basescu had to state their properties in front of the notary in October 14, 2002. Traian lived in the villa in 4 Constantin Prezan Street, obtained from the state property fund, whereas Maria lived in the villa in 57 Aviatorilor Avenue, set for the ex transport minister in 1991 from the state property fund.
In August 14, 2002, the Basescu couple had signed contract no. 2069, thus becoming lodgers of the state-owned villa in 2 Mihaileanu Street, which they bought in February 4, 2003.
Traian Basescu's adventures in state-owned houses started in 1980, when the ex ship captain got a flat in the district of Constanta, much more than his family needed, on grounds of Communist laws. Later on, after having been appointed a minister, he got a flat in Victoria Square, Bucharest. Just 8 months later he exchanged it for the villa in Aviatorilor Avenue. And in 2004 Traian Basescu moved to the lake villa no. 3, meant for the use of Presidents. (...) (R.S., S.A.)
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