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  Nr. 4094 de vineri, 23 noiembrie 2007 
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President reproaches government for "embarrassing trick"
The President of Romania Traian Basescu reproached the government yesterday for having included unconstitutional points in the uninominal vote law project deliberately. The head of state mentioned the existence of the extra national lists to be posted in polling stations, which he described as unconstitutional. He argued: "One can't vote for people whose names are written on the walls. It is a trap. They wanted someone to deny the law so that the implementation of the uninominal vote system would be postponed till after 2008."
In spite of pointing to the trap set by PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu, President Basescu agreed to the latter's alleged intention and yesterday he asked the Constitutional Court for consent to the extra list. Confident that the Court would decide he was right, the President concluded: "It is an embarrassing trick for Romanians." (A.I.)
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