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  Nr. 4094 de vineri, 23 noiembrie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
President to appoint SIE chief next Monday
-- The President of Romania is to announce his choice for a new chief to rule the SIE (Foreign Intelligence Service) next Monday, one day after the Euro-election and the referendum take place. Although he has already decided, the President wouldn't give the name of the person to take the seat still empty after Claudiu Saftoiu's resignation.
The media has been insistently rumoring the name of Liberal Mihai-Razvan Ungureanu, formerly Romania's foreign minister. It is to be reminded that the latter lost his high position because of being in better terms with the President rather than with the PM.
Did he appoint the ex foreign minister a chief of the SIE, the President would thus force the Liberal MPs into consenting to his choice. (A.H.)
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