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  Nr. 4094 de vineri, 23 noiembrie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
Vitiated scrutiny
-- The results of Sunday's election are very likely to be erroneous. In the NET Consulting system there are severe deficiencies allowing for manipulation to be interpreted as computer mistake.
It was the very Permanent Electoral Authority, the institution in charge of supervising the poll system between two elections, who pointed to the risk. More exactly, errors may occur during the scanning of the written statements coming from 17,560 polling stations and during the transfer of figures in electronic format. In a report by the above-mentioned institution there is mentioned: "During the scanning procedure and during the optic recognizing of handwritten signs on reports there may occur many errors."
The IT system for which the Net Consulting Company got 250,000 Euro from budget funds, on grounds of a contract obtained with no auction from the National Statistics Institute, provides no guarantee on the correctness of the counting. Moreover, fraud may be interpreted as scanning mistake, which makes fraud intention grow.
And there is one more flaw of the system. It allows for the existence of electoral tourists, as the Net Consulting omitted to implement a simple algorithm to detect those who vote several times. (...) (R.S.)
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