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  Nr. 4093 de joi, 22 noiembrie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
'Dragon' Operation
-- In his article "44 Years of Kremlin Deception", published by ZIUA and the Human Events review simultaneously, General Pacepa denounces the KGB scenario on the assassination of Kennedy.
The article stars with the assumption that the commemoration of 44 years since the assassination is a good opportunity to reanalyze this murder of the century and understand the way the mythology around it was born. According to General Pacepa, the misinformation operation bearing a code name of DRAGON was meant to distract attention from the KGB's connections to Lee Harvey Oswald and impose the idea that the CIA had assassinated Kennedy.
For several decades the entire world was misinformed by the Communist secret services by no less than 3,000 books, arguing that behind the horrible murder there was one or other element of the US Government. The 'Dragon' Operation was one of the two items of essential information that Pacepa had provided to the CIA. The first was about the false image Nicolae Ceausescu had built himself in the West with help from the Communist spies. The instrument by which the Soviets manipulated the CIA is called "Dezinformatsiya", which the Westerners would mistake in the 70s for "misinformation" (erroneous information).
The archive the PGU general Vasili Mitrohin provided to the MI6 confirms Pacepa's information. The General dismantles the Communist farce in his recently released book, "Programmed to Kill: Lee Harvey Oswald, the Soviet KGB, and the Kennedy Assassination". (...)
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