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  Nr. 4090 de luni, 19 noiembrie 2007 
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PD trumpet
-- Traian Basescu scolds the PD political adversaries
Traian Basescu, participated yesterday in a PD electoral meeting at Cluj-Napoca. The head of state has deployed a genuine campaign attack against the PD (Democrat Party) political adversaries, UDMR (Democrat Union of Magyars in Romania), PNL (National Liberal Party) and PSD (Social Democrat Party), by talking of a trans-party system linking all politicians that belong to these parties. As far as the Democrats were concerned nothing but good news. However, the president admitted that there weren't "just saints" in PD. Basescu also mentioned the Government at criticism chapter, and he recalled that the Executive had issued the ordinance of modification of the law concerning the ministerial liability in order to cover the ministers under criminal investigation. Surprisingly, Liberal Crin Antonescu agreed with the president, but reproached him the fact that he didn't come with "names and facts".
(...)Basescu explained that the way these trans-party interests occur might be illustrated with the "mutilation of the Code for Penal Procedure and also with the Executive's emergency ordinance of modification of the law on the ministerial liability". "That ordinance has covered current ministers - and thank God, the Tariceanu Government had had no less than five ministers under criminal investigation or whom a criminal investigation was asked for - and it covers also former ministers, in a legal way. This shows the trans-party influence and an additional element that consolidates this statement is the fact that the Parliament had no reaction to this emergency ordinance", added the head of state.
The president should hand the house back
"Some things of the statements president Traian Basescu has made may be true, but it is duty to give names and facts. On the other hand, however, in order to be credible in this fight for the change of the political class, the president should give back the house he illegally had appropriated as a high official", replied yesterday the PNL vice-president Crin Antonescu. He added that, also to be credible, Traian Basescu should "observe the law". "Traian Basescu shouldn't defy us all and violate the Constitution by participating in the electoral campaign of some parties and, last but not least, he should have the power to determine Roberta Anastase, Monica Ridzi and Maria Petre take part in the European Parliament meetings, at least in those in which the debate is about Romania", concluded Crin Antonescu. In his turn, Marko Bela said that UDMR (Democrat Union of the Magyars in Romania) might possibly find itself in political interest groups, but no way in economic ones. The UDMR leader, Marko Bela, pointed out that: "Not only that UDMR is part of no kind of interest group, but for the time being we are members of the same political family as the Democrat Party, preferred by Mr. President". (A.H.)
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