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  Nr. 4090 de luni, 19 noiembrie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
-- Videanu, mayor of Bucharest, patronizes a corrupt system that is protecting the exclusivity of the taxi companies set up by ten Democrat deputies
There is an illegitimate group of interests in the Capital city hall on account of which taxi drivers are more and more callous and tariffs higher and higher. A pack of PD (Democrat Party) deputies initiated a law draft that established at 4 the maximum number of taxicabs for 10,000 inhabitants. The Capital thus imposed a limit of 9,500 authorizations, which were from the very beginning offered to the companies in the system. In order to strengthen the monopoly, Videanu-run city hall ordered a survey. For 35,000 Euro, a PD home-company established that Bucharest needed 8,500 taxicabs at the most. Those who wish to practice this job, in the spirit of the free competition, have to face the Mafia nestled in the Capital city hall. Over 1,400 individuals and private companies have been waiting in vain since 2005 to receive an authorization. Their chance resides in the withdrawal of one of the authorizations or the death of a competitor. There are 10,000 applicants for an authorization at national level. The taxi company holders have brought to Brussels, within a "despair march", a report by which they submit to the European Commission the anti-competition practices in the field.
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