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  Nr. 4090 de luni, 19 noiembrie 2007 
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Allies and glow worms
Should the Bogdan Olteanu, speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, have replied to the Russian ambassador instead of the US one, those who violently criticize him would enthusiastically have acclaimed him. Conventionalist blaming reactions indicate a sad characteristic of the Romanian people, its gregarious attitude (that is why political and media lynching are so successful in Romania). It also shows another characteristic, as sad as the first one: a national inferiority complex. And that's where the international (non-) belonging comes from.
As a public person, Bogdan Olteanu is the self-possessed type. He doesn't act impulsively. This retort we're talking about was a deliberate one as well. The Penal Code and the Code for Penal Procedure the American ambassador and also the Romanian minister of Justice had criticized have been voted unanimously in the Chamber of Deputies. Since it was against the opportunistic wave, I appreciate as convenient Bogdan Olteanu's attitude. I think this gesture represents me, although or mainly because I am a pro-American, I love America and I often defended, with my articles, the long-blamed George W. Bush Administration. However, I also pleaded for the affirmation of Romania's national identity, personality and dignity at international level. I am not questioning here the rightness or the lack of it, the objectivity or partiality that Mr. Taubman's statements let come out. It is about a matter of principle - Romania's status in the international community and the treatment or country is applied on account of this.
We are a NATO and EU member state. We are neither a colony, nor a satellite state. We've hardly got out from under the curse of the Soviet sphere influence, but we haven't got rid of the subordinate mentality. And, instead of getting rid of it, we have rushed and replaced the reference mark to which we get subordinated. Historic experience taught us that adaptation is the mother of survival, and the mother of survival is having a cringing behaviour towards the new master. The dignity of an ally hasn't been entered yet in our (inter-) national code of conduct. It is because of this lack that several Romanian politicians have done denouncements to "high gates", as they do not behave like allies, but as subordinates. They have nothing to do but choose among USA, NATO, EU, simultaneously or alternatively, according to the circumstances.
Romanian mentality is dominated by the servant's complex or the complex of the poor relative. The ultimate phrasing was offered by president Basescu who, at the beginning of his mandate, had placed Romania's foreign politics within the terms of an oral sexual service: to the Great Glow Worm, USA, because it is only one, instead of that to several and smaller glow worms. We might offer a bonus to the British Siamese, so that the Washington-London-Bucharest axis may come to light. The minister of Foreign Affairs, Adrian Cioroianu, gaffe-maker without the support of a strong conviction, didn't manage to change the vertebrate direction that president Basescu has given to Romania.
Since we only manage to wake up from stupidity and inertia at a major shock, I believe Bogdan Olteanu's clear-cut statement was necessary and that it also shocked. However, what he said is, in essence, real. The beneath idea is that we are allies, that is equals. If an ally gives lessons to another ally, the latter may also do that. If the former doesn't, the latter doesn't either. I repeat, Bogdan Olteanu could have been diplomat. Or, he could have mumbled something like we would properly carry out the indications received from Washington. Would it have helped us? A predictable counter-question is whether Bogdan Olteanu's retort helps us. Well, I believe it helps us to lucidly assess Romania's status at international level. If we do that, we won't perpetuate the subordinate type mentality and anybody can do everything with Romania.
Roxana Iordache 
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